Guides & Manuals

"The ABC's" for visiting Schools

Below is the Youth Crusades Manual as well as the entire manual typed out at the bottom of this page for online viewing

Documents designed to help Leaders with planning and executing Youth Crusades

A Guideline to follow up discipleship

A guideline to praying for the sick

Youth Crusade Guideline to all the elements of your visit, not including the "Teacher Ask" portion.

Tips and Guidance that will help you when travelling to and around the continent of Africa. 

Youth Crusades Manual


This CfaN Kids crusade outreach manual contains a wealth of knowledge and helpful insight from Missionaries Jako and Karin Hugo who served in Kenya for 12 years. During their time of ministry in Kenya they ministered in schools to preach the Gospel to elementary and high school students. During the 12 years they served in East Africa where they saw over 3 million students make a decision for Christ. Jako and Karin gives all Glory and credit to God who showed them by the Holy Spirit how to bring so many students to Christ!


  • In Africa, an "Elementary School" is called a "Primary School" and a "High School" is called a "Secondary School", however, it is not uncommon for it still to be referred to as a "High School" as well.
  • In Primary Schools, the African version of the "Principal" is the "Head Teacher" and for Secondary/High Schools, both "Headmaster" and "Principal" are used. The next in charge after a "Head Teacher" is called a "Deputy Head Teacher" which applies specifically for Primary Schools.


CfaN RED Map App (Bootcamp and approved Firecamp students only)

  • Download CfaN RED Map App on your mobile device on Android and IOS.
  • Apply for your personal password from Jako Hugo ( or Joe Franklin (
  • Click Here to learn how to use the CfaN RED Map App and scroll to the section titled, "Youtube videos for learning how to use CfaN Red Map App".

Finding the Entrance of the School

If you are not certain which road will take you to the school or you can't find the entrance. The following can be helpful:

  • Follow the power lines
  • Follow the children to the entrance or ask people walking next to the road.
  • Ask someone on a motorbike to help lead you to the entrance of the school.

Finding the Office

  • Look for curtains, flagpole, burglar bar windows, or the electrical power box.
  • While looking for and approaching the office.
  • Drive past the office and around the property to make your presence known. Wave at the children, be nice and greet everyone along the way. This will draw the interest of the students and teachers. They will see that the children are excited about the visitors.
  • Begin looking for a place for the assembly like a field or a shady tree area while driving in.
  • When arriving at the school, see that you have your diary, pen, brochure, Jesus Film, list of schools and phone or iPad with photos to take with you to the office.
  • Greet the first teacher that you meet and ask if you could please speak to the Head Teacher/Headmaster. When the Head Teacher comes from class, please apologize for interfering with their lesson. Give a compliment which is sincere (Example: Complement their very neat garden, beautiful dress, organized office, etc).
  • Introduce yourself; "My name is ____________ and this is my wife/ friend __________ we are from___________ and we are volunteer missionaries with Scripture Union/CfaN. And your name please sir/madam?
  • Ask for permission (As demonstrated during bootcamp).


Only trained bootcamp graduates should speak to the Head Teacher/Principal.

When given permission to speak to the students:

  • Write the name of the school, name of the headteacher, phone number of the headteacher and total population of the school in your diary.
  • If you are handing out books from another organisation that you need to report on, be sure to make notes on the number of each type of book given.
  • Agree on an Assembly Location (advise for this is given in the next section).
  • Ask for permission to setup equipment and take photos
  • Request for teachers to join the assembly
  • Ask the Head Teacher if an interpreter is needed or if the students will understand English? If the Head Teacher says they will understand, then it is recommended to check this by asking the younger students simple English questions to see if they understand (Example: What is your name?).
  • If the students need translation and you don't have a translator with you. Politely ask if one of the teachers can translate for you. If possible, ask specifically for a Christian translator, or a Pastor if they have one on campus that can translate. It is important to make sure you get a Christian translator.

Selecting an Outreach Assembly Location

  • When you arrive on campus, look around and start looking of a good assembly location that you can later suggest to the Head Teacher.
  • A common place is around the flagpole or on an open playfield
  • If there is no designated assembly location, you can suggest a location. It's best to have the students sit on the grass or in a shady area. They listen better when they are sitting down.
  • A good question to ask the Headteacher "Where do you stand when you speak to the students?"
  • Ultimately make sure the Headteacher is happy with the assembly point.



  • Quick greet to the students (Use the local language if you can):
  • Habari Zeno! - Hello everybody!
  • Are you happy!!!!
  • Tell them your name, the name of your team member as well the name of your translator if you have one.
  • Tell them where you are from.
  • If there are many of you, just say your name and where you are from and then say, "these are my friends from all over the world" (this is to save time).
  • Then quickly show honor to the Leadership of the School.
  • Example: Let's give a big hand clap to Mr. John Doe, Mrs Jane Doe. Principal, headmaster, headteacher, etc.
  • Then you start; "Now today we want to talk to you about making the right choices. Making the RIGHT!?...Choices!" (Students answer back, Choices!)
  • "If you listen very carefully to what we will say today, I believe it can change your life forever, change your life FOR?!...EVER! (Students answer back, EVER!)
  • We are going to ask questions, and we want to see who can answer the questions, answer THE... QUESTIONS! (Students answer back, QUESTIONS!)
  • Ask the students... ARE YOU READY??!!!
  • Open in a short prayer. (Heavenly Father, we come to you in Jesus mighty name. Holy Spirit we ask that you help us to bring your Word and help the children to hear and understand what You want to say. In Jesus mighty name we pray, AMEN!). This prayer will also cause the students to get really quiet so that when you say "Amen" you can immediately start speaking to a quite attentive crowd.

During the message

  • MAKE SURE you honour the time they give you. Do not go over 15 mins (if this was the agreement with the Head Teacher).
  • MAKE SURE you mention "making the right choices" often as this is what you've asked for permission to speak on.
  • Example phrase, "If you choose to open the door of your heart to Jesus, please raise your hand."
  • If the bell rings, and the time allocated for you is not yet up, DO NOT STOP SPEAKING.
  • If students are restless, talking and not paying attention. Here are a few tricks to regain their attention:
  • You can say, "Say 1 (children repeat) ... say 2 (children repeat) ... shhhhh(children repeat). Put your finger up to your mouth making the shhhh signal. If you want the children to repeat after you, put your hand to your ear to gesture that you are waiting for their response.
  • You can take the microphone away from your mouth while continuing to talk. This will change the atmosphere sound, causing the children to look up to see what has happened. If you do this, you must speak up so that they can still hear you without you using the microphone. When they look up, start speaking in the mic again.
  • Simply tell them to "LOOK THIS WAY".
  • If none of the above is working, you can ask or signal the teacher to please help with the situation or you can just cut the message shorter.
  • Prayer for healing and receiving Holy Spirit can also be included in the salvation prayer. This is only when you were given very little time or been signaled to finish up. And say AMEN!
  • MAKE SURE you are sharing the true Kerygma (Gospel) that you have learned.
  • Death, Burial, & Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • Repentance. (Turning FROM sin & turning TO Jesus)
  • Every message MUST have a story. Preach like Jesus did and use stories.
  • A relevant story for your audience which then transitions into the Gospel.


"For you to go to heaven / or be saved / or be born again

  • "Number one, you need to believe in Jesus Christ"
  • "That Jesus is the son of God"
  • "That Jesus died on the cross for your sin"
  • "That Jesus rose from the dead"
  • "That Jesus is alive and wants to come and live in your heart."
  • "That Jesus wants to be your best friend"
  • "Jesus loves you"

"How many of you believe that? (Hands go up) Hallelujah!" (Put your hand up as well)

For you to go to heaven / or be saved / or be born again

  • "Number two, you need to repent of your sin...what does that mean? You need to ask Jesus to forgive you of all the things you have done that was wrong. Like,
  • lying to your teacher
  • stealing from your friend
  • cheating in the exam
  • un-forgiveness
  • In a Secondary School, you can mention additional sin such as
  • lust
  • pornography
  • sex before marriage
  • alcohol
  • drugs
  • "You need to turn from the bad and turn to Jesus. Are you ready to turn?"
  • The Bible (refer to it as the Word of God in a Muslim school) says; Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart, Jesus wants to come in, Jesus wants to forgive you, Jesus wants to give you a brand-new start and hope for the future.
  • Are you ready to open the door of your heart for Jesus?
  • The Bible (refer to it as the Word of God in a Muslim school) also says that everyone who calls upon the name of Jesus shall be saved! "SHALL BE...(children all shouting) SAVED!!!
  • Are you ready to call upon the name of Jesus for your salvation?
  • This is a choice only you can make, I cannot choose for you, your teachers or your parents cannot choose for you, only you can choose.

Lead up to the Salvation Prayer (Alter Call)

  • LET US CLOSE OUR EYES, everyone close your eyes please.
  • Now, if you choose to open the door of your heart to Jesus, please raise your hand to Jesus (in primary school all hands will go up now, if not go deeper).
  • If you choose to ask Jesus into your heart today, please raise your hand to Jesus.
  • If you choose to ask Jesus to forgive you of your sin, please raise your hand to Jesus.
  • If you choose to be born again, choose a new start today, please raise your hand to Jesus (use the word "choose" all the time).
  • Let us keep our hands raised as a sign to Jesus as we pray.
  • Now with every eye closed please repeat this prayer after me or translator, pray from your heart. (Let them only repeat after translator if they do not know English well)

Salvation Prayer

Dear Lord Jesus Christ

I believe you are the Son of God

Jesus, I believe

You died on the cross for me

Jesus, I believe

You rose from the dead

Jesus you are alive today

Come and live in my heart

Jesus be my friend

Thank you for loving me

Just as I am

Jesus forgive me

Of all of my sin

Wash me clean

With your blood Jesus

Jesus Christ

I call upon your name!


I now belong to Jesus

And Jesus is in me

Holy Spirit fill me with your power (only if you are not doing the Holy Spirit later)

I believe with my heart

What I now speak with my mouth

In Jesus mighty name


Clap for Jesus, clap for Jesus!

Explain what has just happened. Tell them to say, "I AM NOW ... (students reply, I AM NOW!) A BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN! ... (Students reply A BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN!)

If you believe that, shout "AMEN!" (They all shout AMEN!)

Then you say: Don't forget today, the day of your salvation, the day that Jesus saved you.

Jesus loves you very much, and from today you can talk to Jesus all the time. You can talk to Jesus just like you would talk to your friends. WHY? Because Jesus is now living in your heart. Wherever you go, Jesus goes with you. Hallelujah!

When you are happy, talk to Jesus. When you hurt, talk to Jesus. When you are sad, talk to Jesus. When you are crying, huuuu huuuu, talk to Jesus. When you are walking home, talk to Jesus. Do you understand?

Can I tell you a secret? (Wait for answer) I talk to Jesus all the time and it is so wonderful.

The more you talk to Jesus the greater your future will be. Hallelujah!

Teaching on Holy Spirit

Jesus loves you very much, and He has another gift for you.

When He left this earth to be with God the Father in heaven,

Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit to help us and to comfort us, Hallelujah!

Ten days later, the Holy Spirit came and people just like you and me received power (say POWER) to be witnesses for Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

How many of you want to receive the Holy Spirit power from God? (Pause for hands up) Hallelujah!

The Holy Spirit will change your life forever. Are you ready?

The Bible says there are 2 things you need to do to receive the Holy Spirit from God.

Number one. You need to be saved / born again Christian / you need to have Jesus in your heart (use any or all of these depending) How many of you are saved now? (Pause for all hands go up) Hallelujah!

Number two. The Bible says for you to receive the power of the Holy Spirit, you need to ask with your own mouth. Are you ready to ask?

Now if you choose to receive the power of the Holy Spirit from God, please raise both your hands to Jesus like you will receive a gift. (This time you let them raise their hands before they close their eyes so they can see and understand the Gift) Now let's close our eyes and pray. Please repeat after me. (Translator)

Holy Spirit Prayer

Say, Father God.

I come to you in Jesus mighty name.

I love you God.

Thank you for saving me.

Jesus now I come, and I ask.

For the power of the Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit you are welcome here.

Holy Spirit fill me.

From my head to my feet.

Holy Spirit fall on me.

Holy spirit I receive you now.

Holy Spirit, I receive your power.

In Jesus mighty name.



Clap for Jesus, clap for Jesus

The Bible says, the same Holy Spirit power that raised Jesus from the dead is now inside of you, and stronger is He who lives in you than he who lives in the world. Hallelujah! Say, "I HAVE POWER... (students repeat, I HAVE POWER) MY LIFE... (Students repeat MY LIFE) WILL NEVER BE THE SAME... (Students repeat WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!) IN JESUS NAME... (Students repeat IN JESUS NAME) Hallelujah!

Clap for Jesus, clap for Jesus!!!

Are you happy?

Now we have a special gift we want to leave for you. (Books/DVD and show it to them if you can)

Tell them: Please make sure you find a good church where they talk about Jesus a lot and get yourselves water baptized, Hallelujah

Let's give a big clap for the translator.

Now the Bible says, there is much rejoicing in heaven for every soul saved, let's rejoice together.

Play the "One Way Jesus" song which can be downloaded from the CfaN RED Information Center website.

End in Prayer

(If there is not too much chaos after the song)

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and love of God our Father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now and forevermore, Amen. (This will tie everything in)

Now we are sorry, we might never see you again, however we believe one day we will see you all again in heaven with Jesus. Who will we see in heaven? (All hands go up)

Clap for Jesus, clap for Jesus.

Ask if all teachers can remain behind so that you can talk to them for 2 mins, PLEASE. (Before they start walking back to class.) If it is break time, it might be better to go to the staff room as the children will make lots of noise around you.

Say to the children: Love you, see you, bye!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Wait for them to respond) And blow kisses (they will like if you blow kisses and will be memorable).


Thank you for giving us the opportunity to talk to your children about the most important choices in their lives. They are so well disciplined, we are so impressed, God bless you

Please disciple them very well, they are very dear to God.

From today realize you are more than a teacher, you are a discipler for the kingdom of God, Hallelujah!

Just let your light shine, just show them Jesus

The Bible says, as you do that, there is a reward in heaven, Hallelujah

Here on earth you receive a small reward at the end of every month, but in heaven there is a big reward waiting for you; the Bible talks about a crown, Hallelujah

The choice is yours

From today look at yourselves like you are the pastor of your class and they are your congregation, Hallelujah.

You have this incredible opportunity as a teacher that most people on earth do not have. To influence thousands and thousands of people in your life with the life and love of Jesus Christ.

Just let your light shine and together we will celebrate with Jesus in Heaven. Hallelujah!

Any Questions please? (Usually, they don't have questions as they are still amazed)

Now can I ask you a question please? Can you please pray for us, we need God just as much as you do. Please pray that God will go with the missionaries, and we will pray that God will be with you as Teachers in Jesus name we pray. Hallelujah. God bless you we love you. (If you want to, you can pray for the teachers right there.)


  • Always leave the teachers positive because the teachers from different school talk to each other.
  • In your vehicle mark this school as visited on your Map App with all the relevant information. (name of school, amount of students and salvations)
  • Look for your next school on the CfaN Map App and GO!
  • If you get to a school who cannot take you at that time and want you to come back at a later time or tomorrow, or need a permit, mark the school with the purple "Visit Later" button in the Map App.
  • Pray on the way for the next school. Make sure each team member know their role at the next school. Eat something and drink to keep your energy levels up.



It is extremely important to prepare the night before. Because you might need to be at the first school a certain timedepending on how far the school is from the Hotel. Therefore, it is important that you prepare well the day before. Planning is everything.

  • Mark your schools on your Red Map App device and plan your route
  • Plan the time you should leave for your first school
  • Write the names of the schools on a piece paper
  • Pack enough brochures
  • Pack enough Jesus films
  • Pack diary with pen for recording the school information
  • Pack What's Next books (or One Hope books)
  • Charge your speaker + spare batteries for microphone
  • Check your fuel and tires
  • Plenty of snacks and water
  • Sunscreen and hats


  • Do not be a distraction and rob the children of their salvation
  • Take photos from the back during the Salvation Prayer
  • Front only during introduction, stand behind preacher
  • Not too much sky or trees or ground
  • Move so you cover the holes
  • Hold camera high if possible
  • Do not take photos into the sun
  • Take photos from the side during message
  • Do not take photos of empty chairs (teachers sitting)
  • Take photos holding your camera horizontally
  • Wait for children to look at preacher before taking photos
  • Do not expose Muslim children on the internet
  • Do not mention schools on social media (kids crusades)
  • Take interesting photos on the way for partners

Ministering to Different Religions

  • When ministering in different religious schools, become all things to all men, that you might save some. (1 Corinthians 9:22)
  • Some schools throw up red flags if you use the phrase "Baptized in the Holy Spirit", but they have no problem with the phrase "Be filled with the Holy Spirit" In some cases it's better to simply use the phrase "Be filled with the Holy Spirit", OR "Receive the Gift of The Holy Spirit".
  • When ministering in Catholic Schools approach the priest by whatever his title is. Most of the time its Father, then his name. Ex. Father Joseph.
  • Do not get in an argument over doctrine at any time. Just show love and be humble. Pray a blessing over people who might have been difficult


  • Placing the speak on the corner of the assembly will ensure sound reaches everyone well
  • Do not give mic to teacher before or after if possible
  • Pack microphones during song to prevent long speeches afterwards
  • Do not use titles for yourselves for introduction
  • Protect the person preaching from head teacher. Keep him or her busy till end of salvation prayer.
  • Play music if it is break-time for the children to come faster
  • Cut message short if needed due to rain, restless, sun or if stopped by the teacher
  • Keep children seated/standing during message. If sitting do not get up for prayer.
  • Keeping eye contact is the best way to place value
  • If you want the children to make any movements. Example: lifting hands, you must also do so, including the rest of the group
  • Move around when talking but don't pace up and down anxiously
  • Change voice tone and let children repeat to keep attention so as not to be boring
  • To cut between repeat and continue: say HALLELUJAH! or AMEN!
  • Do not shout at the children at any time
  • Use some local language if you know any words
  • Respect the time given. Schools Headmasters talk to each other, and word will get out if you are not respectful.
  • For attention count 1, 2, shhh, look at me, remove mic, etc.
  • Pray in the first person
  • Avoid saying "I" and giving commands. Example: Do not say, "I want you all to lift your hands" instead say, "If you choose, please lift your hands to Jesus."
  • For the Salvation prayer close eyes and raise hands to Jesus.
  • For the Holy Spirit prayer raise both hands, then close eyes.
  • Do Not use the word "baptism" but rather gift of the "Holy Spirit" or "the Power of the Holy Spirit".
  • If it rains divide in two classes if possible
  • If the interpreter struggles, swap them out and clap for them
  • Do not use slang/English phrases (give it up for...) use simple language
  • When you pray with the students always end with, "In Jesus name, Amen."
  • Make sure to leave children and teachers on a high and positive note
  • Be grateful and humble. Ask them to please pray for you in the future
  • Don't forget to hand out the "What's Next" books to teachers
  • See that all the equipment is packed then leave quickly for efficiency
  • Leave waving and smiling. Keep in mind that last thoughts count
  • Sanitise before eating and drinking. Eat and drink often to keep energy up
  • In Map App, lock school as done and enter all the necessary details of the school


Pre-Outreach Planning

  • Get a team together and ensure they are all trained as explained in the next section.
  • Ensure bootcamp graduate team leaders have access to the CfaN RED MapApp.
  • Check to see if the schools are open in the country you plan to visit.
  • Observe and take note when exams and Mid-Term breaks are on.
  • Ensure not to do schools around election time.
  • Try to plan your outreaches outside of the rainy season.
  • Study the CfaN RED Information Center website.
  • Mark schools in the CfaN RED MapApp for the city/country you want to visit.
  • Check availablity of "One Hope" books in the country you plan to visit.
  • Order "What's Next?" books 2 months in advance.
  • Check vaccination requirements of the country.
  • Organise car hire, translators, hotels, and books before getting on the plane.

Bootcamp and Firecamp Pre-Outreach Training

Firstly, if you have any bootcamp grads that are going with you that has not signed the Evangelist Kolenda agreement for permission to ask headmasters for access to schools, this is the procedure to follow:

  • Reach out to Trisha Fissel to ensure that person is someone you can take on your outreach. Trisha's email:
  • The bootcamp grad on your team will need to sign a document of agreement from Trisha Fissel which permits access to schools.
  • Get grads to reach out to Karin or Jako for school access training.
  • They will receive the material after training for teacher asking exhibition.
  • Once they studied the asking notes and are ready they can reach out to Karin and Jako for role-play.
  • After qualifying they can get access to the CfaN RED Map App by providing their email address.

This can all happen in one day very easily and is to ensure the quality of your outreach

Secondly, with regards to the Firecampers, these are the guidelines for them if you would like to use them on your team:

  • They are not allowed to ask or be trained to access schools.
  • They must be accompanied by a bootcamp grad to preach in schools.
  • They must get a thumbs up from Ingrid or Trisha before you can invite them.
  • They must undergo training by Karin or Jako as scheduled by the leader, after which they will receive exhibition material on which they will be tested by Karin and Jako before they get on the plane.

There are a couple reasons for this. To guarantee that they preach a clear, clean, and confident Gospel message. To make your job easier, so you don't need to pull your hair out in the field. Finally, to ensure a level of quality for your outreach, as we cannot afford for the Firecampers to practice on the field to the detriment of the salvation of the child. In light of this, Firecampers can be seen as interns for the Bootcamp grads.

Becoming a Firecamp Leader

Firecampers are allowed to lead one other firecamper in a team of two if they have gone through leadership training. The process to become a Firecamp Leader is as follows:

  • It starts with a bootcamp grad leader first recognising a firecamper as showing potential for leadership in the field.
  • The bootcamp leader will then send the contact details of the firecamper in question to Karin and Jako to setup an interview.
  • Once, the interview has been conducted and the firecamper has been passed, it will be the firecamper's responsibility to reach out to Trisha Fissel. She will provide a CfaN non-disclosure agreement to be signed by the firecamper, which will grant them permission to get "Teacher Ask" and leadership training.
  • Once the firecamper has passed the "teacher ask", role-play and exhibition evaluations, they will be authorised to begin asking the headerteacher for permission to speak to the students. This can only be carried out under supervision of the bootcamp leader with whom the firecamper is interning.
  • Finally, once the firecamper has completed and passed all training and evaluations, they shall be supplied with personal access to the CfaN Red Map App which will greatly assist them in doing youth crusades.

Running Order

  • Arrive at school
  • Meet Head teacher
  • Set up equipment
  • Assembly
  • Introduction
  • Opening prayer
  • Story / salvation message
  • Prayer of salvation
  • Salvation explanation
  • Holy Spirit + prayer + explanation
  • Song / dance
  • Closing prayer
  • Teacher talk
  • Pack equipment
  • Map App report
  • Go to next school

Four Roles for Team Members at Schools (Initiation)

These roles rotate from school to school:





Four Roles in vehicle:

These roles are for the whole day:

1. MAP APP - Find and save done schools

2. ROTATION - Manage team rotation between schools

3. EQUIPMENT - Setting up and tear down

4. DATA - Collection and reporting

These are for initiations only but a great guide for teams that is on the ground daily after they have graduated.

Outreach Team Leader Guide (Main Coordinator):

  • Visit the CfaN RED Information Center website for school dates for various countries in calendar to plan your trip
  • You can also find here links for: book ordering (two months in advance) and salvation decision reporting.
  • Ensure the quality of the outreach (basic pure Gospel)
  • Monitor the progress of each team of 2
  • Train the members that need more training
  • Encourage team and have daily feedback meetings
  • Daily report to oversight (CfaN) on progress in the field
  • Empower other team leaders and monitor their progress
  • Well-being of the teams and rotation as needed
  • Lead from the front and always have a plan B ready

Allocate persons to oversee the following jobs:

  • HOSPITALITY - Food, laundry, and house cleaning.
  • TRANSPORT - Car hire, fuel, tires, drivers, and payments.
  • TRANSLATORS - Organize, teach, and allocate to teams.
  • BOOKS, BROCHURES, DVD's - Enough in stock all the time.
  • EQUIPMENT - Speakers, microphones and stands marked. Batteries for microphones + speaker charge
  • SIM CARDS - Buy SIM cards and data (share numbers)
  • AIRPORT - Drop off and pick up
  • RECEIPTS - Collection and reporting
  • REPORTING - Number of salvations to CfaN

Leader in Charge of 2-person team (responsibilities):

  • Make sure your car is fueled and ready with driver
  • Speaker is charged and microphones ready (SP stand)
  • Books, DVD's, brochures are packed the night before
  • Notebook for headteacher is marked and up to date
  • Photos are taken and shared as needed
  • Daily decision report is made to main leader or CfaN US
  • Schools are marked on Map App for following day
  • Every school visited is marked, and purple mark explained
  • Ensure constant good relationships between you and collaborating partners eg: Scripture Union and One Hope
  • Agree on time of departure with driver and translator

Reasons for teaming up:

  • Jesus send His disciples out two by two.
  • Evangelist Kolenda's teaching about why the armor of God has no protection at the back, because God intended your back to be covered by your brother or sister who is in the field with you against the enemy.
  • Two people can keep each other accountable, sharpening each other's swords. (Learn from each other) Ensuring that the messages and decision counting is correct.
  • Two people carry more weight when asking permission in the office to excess schools.
  • Two people can put 10 000 to flight. A team is much more affective.
  • The change between two people during the preaching keep the attention of the children better.
  • While the one is preaching the other one can take care of the practicals, protecting the microphone and organizing the books. (Keeping the headteacher busy)
  • If you are by yourself and something goes wrong, it is your word against many.
  • Quality over quantity. Two people do schools more comprehensive with better outcome.
  • Let us not be Lone Ranger evangelists that can be a potential target for the prowling lion.